Location: DIGS1 (Krambugata 2, Trondheim, Norway), with the option to join online.
Date and time: 31st March 2022, 9h-16h30 (CET) followed by workshop dinner at 19h (CET)
Registration and contact: Please register online, for questions contact Raquel (raquel.s.jorge@ntnu.no)
08:50–09:05 Coffee + Tea | Connect to the workshop
09:05–09:15 Welcome by Anne Neumann (NTNU)
09:15–10:45 Research Relay I
(09:15 – 09:30) Kari Espegren (IFE) Decarbonization of road transport – insight from the Integrated Transport and Energy Modelling project.
(09:30 – 09:45) Jonas Martin (NTNU), Anne Neumann, Anders Ødegård: Economics of hydrogen fuels in heavy duty transport.
(09:45 - 10:00) Juha Kiviluoma (VTT), Impact of regional characteristics on the feasibility of electro-fuels.
(10:00 – 10:15) Sebastian Zwickl (TUW), Hans Auer: Designing a model for the cost-optimal decommissioning and refurbishment investment decision of gas networks.
(10:15 – 10:45) Discussion moderated by Asgeir Tomasgard (NTNU).
10:45–11:00 Vitamin break
11:00–12:15 Research Relay II
(11:00 – 11:15) Goran Durakovic (NTNU), Pedro Crespo del Granado, Asgeir Tomasgard: Powering Europe with North Sea offshore wind: The impact of hydrogen deployment on grid investments and power prices.
(11:15 – 11:30) Konstantin Löffler (TUB) et al.: Hydrogen – GENeSYS-MOD modelling results from the openENTRANCE project (including results for Japan).
(11:30 – 12:00) Discussion moderated by Reinhard Madlener (RWTH)
12:00–13:00 Lunch
13:00–14:00 Stakeholder perspectives
Input from stakeholders: VITO, Siemens, EDF
Discussion moderated by Sandrine Charousset (EDF)
14:00–14:15 Coffee & stretch
14:15–16:00 Organisation and governance of EFECT (Members only)
1) EFECT: overview of the initiative, governance/structure and plans for development
2) Interaction with other initiatives (e.g., Centre of Excellence on Energy Transition Modelling)
3) EFECT member’s agreement
4) New members, suggestions
Session moderated by Pedro Crespo Del Granado (NTNU)
16:00–16:30 Wrapping up, Summary
19:00 Workshop Dinner, Scandic Nidelven, Trondheim